Who Started Streetwear? Shredding Through the Origins of a Subculture

Who Started Streetwear? Shredding Through the Origins of a Subculture

Hey, fellow skaters and streetwear enthusiasts! Ever wondered who kickflipped the first ollie into the world of streetwear? Buckle up, because we're about to take a ride down the asphalt of history to find out where it all began.

Picture this: it's the late '70s, and the skate scene is blowing up on the West Coast of the USA. This is where our story begins – in the gritty streets and empty pools of Southern California. Skateboarders were not just pushing wood and wheels; they were crafting a style that would lay the foundation for what we now know as streetwear.

The origins of streetwear - 1970s California swimming pool skaters

One name stands out in the annals of streetwear history: Shawn Stussy. Yeah, the guy with the iconic scribbled signature that you've seen on countless tees and caps. Stussy wasn't just a skater; he was a visionary who, in the early '80s, began plastering his handcrafted boards with his distinctive logo. Little did he know that those initial doodles would spark a revolution in the world of fashion.

As the '80s rolled on, streetwear started gaining traction beyond the skate parks. It wasn't just about the decks anymore – it was a lifestyle. Stussy's simple, yet bold, designs captured the rebellious spirit of youth culture, and soon enough, his clothing became the uniform for those who lived life on the edge, whether it was on a board or not.

The origins of streetwear - Shawn Stussy 1980s

But wait, there's more to the streetwear saga. In New York City, another player was stepping onto the scene. In the '80s and '90s, hip-hop culture was exploding, and with it came a fresh wave of streetwear influence. Brands like FUBU, founded by Daymond John, emerged from the urban streets, bringing a different flavor to the mix. The baggy jeans, oversized jerseys, and bold logos became synonymous with street style.

The origins of streetwear - FUBU 1990s

Let's not forget about the Japanese influence. In the '90s, Japanese designers like Nigo, the founder of A Bathing Ape (BAPE), brought a whole new level of streetwear to the table. Their meticulous attention to detail and unique designs turned heads globally, solidifying Japan as a streetwear powerhouse.

The origins of streetwear - NIGO Bape 2000s

Fast forward to the 2000s, and streetwear had evolved from a niche subculture to a global phenomenon. Supreme, founded by James Jebbia, became a streetwear juggernaut, collaborating with everyone from Nike to Louis Vuitton. The limited drops, the iconic box logo, and the street-savvy attitude made Supreme a household name for those in the know.

The origins of streetwear - Supreme

So, who started streetwear? It's not a simple answer. Streetwear was born from the rebellious spirit of skaters in California, infused with the beats of hip-hop in New York, and refined by the meticulous craftsmanship of Japanese designers. It's a melting pot of styles, attitudes, and cultures.

Today, streetwear continues to shape and reshape itself, adapting to the ever-changing landscape of fashion and youth culture. Whether you're rocking a Stussy tee, Supreme hoodie, or some fresh kicks from BAPE, remember that the roots of streetwear run deep, and it's a culture built on the pavement of individuality and self-expression. So, keep shredding, keep skating, and keep repping that streetwear attitude!

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